Mónica's Graduation Shoot

Mónica's photoshoot was very fun. I met with her, a friend, and her mother.

She was very nervous. We spent a few minutes talking about what to expect and what to do. This was her first photoshoot ever. We started talking, I explained how everything worked and asked about the different places in the university she wanted to go to, she then started to relax.


That is when I started taking a few pictures and showing her how beautiful she looked after every couple of shots. From shot to shot you could see how glow a little bit more and more. Once I felt she was comfortable enough we started taking more pictures and moving to different locations around Texas Tech University.

This photoshoot went slower that most of my other ones, taking several hours to complete but I felt that it was more important to make her comfortable than to rush through and her not to come out the best way that she could

Ultimately we were very pleased with how the pictures turned out.

 This was also one of the shoots where I practiced with my new film camera, a Canon Canote QL17 GIII. I took a few shots trying to see how they would come out. I was very ecstatic to see them. If you would like me to cover more on my film adventures, make sure to comment below.  You can also view a more of my film work by visiting on Instagram @bwphoto12. Be sure to say hello.

If you would like to support my photography consider using my amazon affiliate link when you purchase, price does not change for you and I get a few pennies to buy more film.